Bought for LCRX |
12/17/2018 |
Someone posted this would not work for a LCR, I did not see that until I had bought it, got it home and tried it, it works just fine in my LCRX, I have HK loaders too and this works better then those and they specifically were for the LCR revolvers, I am ordering a couple more of these |
Terrell Austin |
SP101? Yes. Ruger LCR? No. |
9/25/2016 |
This speed loader is well made and works very well for the Ruger SP101 in 327 Federal. It does not, however, work for the Ruger LCR in 327. There simply isnt enough clearance between the open cylinder and the grip to align the loader. I give it five stars for its quality and usability with the SP101 for which it was designed. If it had been designed for the LCR, I would give it 1 star. |
- Mark, OH |
Well made, but not quite good enough. |
5/4/2016 |
This speed loader is well made, and looks and feels to be of much higher quality than the HKS speedloader for the same revolvers |HKS 32-J|. However, the tolerances on this 5-Star model are too loose. As such, the cartridges flop around more and dont align well with the chambers in a .327 Federal revolver cylinder |SP101 and LCR|. Since you have to fiddle with the speed loader in order to get all six cartridges into their respective chambers, it pretty much ruins the entire concept of speed loading. Plus... the flutes on the sides dont really do anything to help with grip interference |a major issue on the LCR, in particular|. So, while I do like this product and wish I could have replaced the HKS 32-Js with these |5-Star R6-327|; they simply dont make the cut. Tolerances need to be tighter, fit needs to be better, and the speed needs to be put back in this speed loader.
For quality and finish, they get 5 stars. But for not doing the intended job very well, they lose at least two stars... |
- Bones P, ID |