Security-Series Triple K Insider IWB Holster - RH

Security-Series Triple K Insider IWB Holster - RH
Item Number: 50506
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Detailed Description

Conceal carry your Security-9® Compact or Security-380® pistol with Triple K's Insider IWB Holster. Full-grain leather construction with a metal clip for inside-pants carry. Reinforced at the top for ease in re-holstering. Available in tan only with Ruger logo stamped into leather. Right hand only. Made in USA by Triple K.

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Holster clip inadequate 6/29/2020
Each time I draw my security 9 compact the holster comes out with the pistol. The holster clip is inadequate to keep the holster inside the waist band or the holster is to tight to allow the gun to be removed. I kept the holster beyond the return date attempting to loosen the draw. I cannot rely on this holster for concealed carry. I would not recommend this holster
- John Cracium, MI